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Flameshield® Tanks
Flameshield® Horizontal Tanks
Flameshield® Double Wall storage tanks are manufactured with a tight wrap double wall design. They are engineered with built-in secondary containment and interstitial leak monitoring capabilities
Entire tank assembly (primary tank/secondary tank/saddles) labeled UL® 142 and SwRI® #97-04
Can build tanks from 300 to 30,000 gallons
Custom sizes are available
We can ship with vacuum in the interstice to prove integrity of both walls during installation
Flameshield® Double Wall meets the requirements of EPA and NFPA 30 & 30A codes
Stanwade builds Flameshield® Double Wall tanks in 300 degrees or 360 degrees total enclosure secondary containment configurations
Stanwade is the largest manufacturer of Flameshield® tanks in the USA
Third party quality control inspection program
30 year limited third party warranty
Tanks can be built with multiple compartments (multi-product)
Compatible with wide range of fuels and chemicals
May reduce fire code separation distances
One pair of support saddles
Flameshield® Vertical Tanks
Flameshield® Double Wall storage tanks are manufactured with a tight wrap double wall design. They are engineered with built-in secondary containment and interstitial leak monitoring capabilities
Entire tank assembly (primary tank/secondary tank/saddles) labeled UL® 142 and SwRI® #97-04
Can build tanks from 300 to 30,000 gallons
Custom sizes are available
We can ship with vacuum in the interstice to prove integrity of both walls during installation
Flameshield® Double Wall meets the requirements of EPA and NFPA 30 & 30A codes
Stanwade builds Flameshield® Double Wall tanks in 300 degrees or 360 degrees total enclosure secondary containment configurations
Stanwade is the largest manufacturer of Flameshield® tanks in the USA
Third party quality control inspection program
30 year limited third party warranty
Tanks can be built with multiple compartments (multi-product)
Compatible with wide range of fuels and chemicals
May reduce fire code separation distances
Flameshield® Beam Skid Tanks
Flameshield® Double Wall storage tanks are manufactured with a tight wrap double wall design. They are engineered with built-in secondary containment and interstitial leak monitoring capabilities
Entire tank assembly (primary tank/secondary tank/saddles) labeled UL® 142 and SwRI® #97-04
Can build tanks from 300 to 20,000 gallons and custom sizes are available
Primary and secondary tank can be tightness tested on site with standard testing procedures, or manufacturer can ship with vacuum in the interstice to prove integrity of both walls during installation
Flameshield® Double Wall meets the requirements of EPA and NFPA 30 & 30A codes
Stanwade builds Flameshield® Double Wall tanks in 300 degrees or 360 degrees total enclosure secondary containment configurations
Stanwade is the largest manufacturer of Flameshield® tanks in the USA
Third party quality control inspection program
30 year limited third-party warranty
Tanks can be built with multiple compartments (multi-product)
Compatible with wide range of fuels and chemicals
May reduce fire code separation distances
One pair of support saddles
I-Beam mounted Flameshield® AST fully code compliant
I-Beams come in the following sizes:
4 inch I-Beam for tanks ranging in sizes 300 gallons to 1,000 gallons
6 inch I-Beam for tanks ranging in sizes 1,500 gallons to 4,000 gallons
8 inch I-Beam for tanks ranging in sizes 4,000 gallons to 20,000 gallons
Flameshield® Installation
Flameshield® Warranty Card
Flameshield® Warranty